People Are Fickle

Before heading off to school in preparation for ministry I asked our home church Pastor a question. He’d been in ministry for a number of years and came from a Pastors home. I asked what I thought was a complicated question. His answer was simple.

My question… In all your years of ministry, if there’s one thing you can tell me that will help guide me through a life of ministry, what would that be?

His answer… Always remember, people are fickle.

That phrase has stuck with me all these years. Just when we think we know someone, their fickleness will arise. When we remember people are fickle, it helps navigate whatever weirdness is going on. When we remember people are fickle, it helps us understand why we need to lean on the Father and the Father alone. If we trust in man, he will let us down somewhere along the line. Whether it’s intentional, or unintentional, the fickleness of man will let us down at some point in our lives.

Trust In The Lord

The Psalmist puts it this way; “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the Name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm” as we trust in the Name of the Lord our God (Psalm 20:7).

Long before my home Pastor told me to remember people are fickle, Thomas ‘A Kempis gave similar advice in The Imitation of Christ. (Page 54)

“Give place, then, to Christ, but deny entrance to all others, for when you have Christ you are rich and He is sufficient for you. He will provide for you. He will supply your every want, so you need not trust in frail, changeable men. Christ remains forever, standing firmly with us to the end.”

He continues,

“Do not place much confidence in weak and mortal man, helpful and friendly though he be, and do not grieve too much if he sometimes opposes and contradicts you. Those who are with us today may be against us tomorrow, and vice versa, for men change with the wind. Place all your trust in God; let Him be your fear and love. He will answer you; He will do what is best for you.”

People are fickle, place our trust in God. Now there’s a piece of incredible advice which will help us through this journey called life.

Just a guy on a journey,


One thought on “People Are Fickle

  1. Trusting in the Lord is a hard thing to do but he’s the only one that we could. We learn in life that people will let us down but we also have to learn that God will never let us down because he is not fickle

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