Connecting of Generations

I’m currently working on a book entitled The Ephesian Season. It’s about what I sense the Lord saying to the church in this season and new era. In one of the chapters I write about a Connecting of the Generations. I sense it’s very relevant for today. In other words I believe this is a “Now Word” from God.

Elijah and Elisha Anointings

I sense the Spirit of the Lord saying, “Now is the time for a connection of generations. For in days past,” says the Lord, “the New Wine and the Old Wine, as well as the Old Wine and the New Wine, have not known how to connect. Instead of the seasoned leaders of the Old Wine connecting, training and passing on mantles, division has been strong coming from both the young and old.”

“But this day as I am doing a new thing and raising up My people not only for the new thing, but also the new era,” says the Lord. “I am looking for the young to connect with the seasoned, and the seasoned to connect with the young. As these connections are made, the seasoned leaders will not only train up and equip the younger believers, they will release and impart higher levels of both the Fruit of the Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit.”

I believe God is preparing to release an “Elijah anointing.” I sense the Spirit saying, “This in turn will then release of a double portion Elisha anointing as mantles from one generation to the next generation are passed on according to My plans and purposes.”

The Moses Example

Elijah and Elisha give us one example of a connecting of generations. Let’s look at another example of young and seasoned, as seen in Moses. Not only will this point out a maturing process for Moses, but his life also gives an example of how to pass mantles properly.

Moses knew he was called of God to free His people. But he stepped out too soon. At 40 years of age he has a deep love and sympathy for his people. However, his first attempt at freeing his people does not go well.

“Many years later, when Moses had grown up, (and was 40 years old), he went out to visit his own people, the Hebrews, and he saw how hard they were forced to work. During the visit he saw an Egyptian beating one of his fellow Hebrews. After looking in all directions to make sure no one was watching, Moses killed the Egyptian and hid the body in the sand” (Exodus 2:11-12).

On the surface, Moses thought he was doing right. But, at the young age of 40, he overstepped his boundaries, and in turn, overstepped God’s plan. “The next day, when Moses went out… he saw two Hebrew men fighting. ‘Why are you beating up your friend?’ Moses asked… The man replied, ‘Who appointed you our prince and judge? Are you going to kill me as you killed the Egyptian yesterday?” (Exodus 2:13-14).

The rest of the chapter describes how fear rose up in Moses and he fled the country. Then, 40 years later at the age of 80, Moses had his “burning bush” experience and was commissioned by God to “set his people free” (Exodus 3). This time, since the young Moses was now a seasoned Moses, things went quite differently. Then, after 40 years of wandering through the desert and training up Joshua, Moses passed the mantle of leadership to Joshua.

The Passing of Mantles

The passing of mantles is crucial in this day. The Lord is searching not only for the seasoned to connect with the young, but He’s searching for the seasoned who will not only know how to pass a mantle, but to pass the mantle well.

I leave you with a word the Lord stirred in 2019. Through the years I’ve discovered I hear in 5 year cycles. Right now as I write this post it’s August 1, 2023. We are approaching 5 years since the Lord first stirred this word.

As a result, I believe it is imperative the church, and especially church leaders, “Here what the Spirit is saying to the churches…”

Reproducers of Reproducers

Connecting The Crossover Generations: April 2019
For the Lord is saying “I am connecting the crossover generations in this day. I am looking for the crossover generation between the baby-boomers and the gen-x’ers to connect, and the gen-x’ers to connect with the millennials.

“The first crossover generation is to connect with the second crossover generation in order to establish them in My truth and My foundation so they will in turn encourage, build up, strengthen and equip the millennials to know how to truly rule and reign with Me”.

Current Ages of Mentioned Generations

Baby Boom Generation – 1946-1964 (57-75 years old)

Generation X – 1965-1980 (41-56 years old)

Millennial Generation – 1981-1996 (25-40 years old)

In this day God is especially looking for the seasoned Baby Boomers to connect with the young Generation X’ers, training them up to receive the passing of mantles as they become the seasoned.

Just a guy on a journey,


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