Kingdom of God is Never in Crisis

I picked up a book I’ve had sitting in my Prayer Room for quite sometime by Myles Munroe. It was compiled after his death entitled, “Wisdom from Myles Munroe”. The first piece of wisdom speaks directly to the turmoil and change we find so often along the journey.

Where Do We Go When Life is Upside Down

When all that we know is suddenly no more, how do we respond? When accusers and mockers surround us as described in Proverbs 9, what should we do? When we’ve done no wrong, but our enemies attack from ever side as David describes in Psalm 40-45, where do we turn?

Proverbs 9 tells us to keep quiet when mockers mock and liars lie. David discovers the secret to safety and sound mind comes from praising God when enemies attack. Taken one step further, Exodus 14:14 says, “God fights our battles, just stay calm.”

He Loves People

One nugget of wisdom from the Myles Munroe book reminds us that no matter what, “the Kingdom of God is never in crisis.” He goes on to write, “the Kingdom of God is never in crisis mode because the King is bigger than any crisis that has ever happened, will ever happen, or happening right now. He knows what to do.”

“Not only does He know what to do, but He also cares for us. He loves people. And God has never failed His people yet.”

Let that sink in for a bit. No matter what’s going on in our lives, it did not catch God by surprise. Knowing He’s not surprised, but loves us and has a plan for us, enables us to take great comfort. When we are in His Kingdom as sons and daughters, our kingdom does not need to be in crisis mode. Why? Because our Father in heaven looks after those in His Kingdom, and He is never in crisis mode.

Just a guy on a journey,


One thought on “Kingdom of God is Never in Crisis

  1. So true Russ God is never caught by surprise. We just have to stop and see God in their trials. Because God is faithful and trustworthy and will see us to the end of every troubled time we have. Good word

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